Conversations in HotDish Hell, MN #14: Sometimes, future serial killers are just goofing around…


December 20, 2012 by meximo70

Serial Killer Ted Bundy as a child goofing around

Serial Killer Ted Bundy as a child goofing around

One evening, my girls were playing in the front yard. A neighbor boy had come down the sidewalk with his friend and grabbed my oldest from behind and tried to pantomime cutting her throat with a metal stick. He ended up cutting her for real from one side of her chin to the other.

well, my wife went after the kids mom, who blamed our daughter for it. (yeah, that doesn’t make sense either). Then the hotdish hell police were called. they spoke with my wife and then with the kid’s mother. Then we didn’t hear another word about it.

serialkillerkidcopMy wife called the officer and asked him what was going to happen and he said “nothing. they were just goofing around”. my mother-in-law called and he told her “this really doesn’t concern you, you’re not the parent”. i was playing in my band that evening, so i called in between sets:

Me: yes, i need to speak with Officer Gino Brayens.

Gino: look, i’m not going to talk about this anymore. the matter is resolved as far as i’m concerned.

Me: so my daughter gets cut across the face, and you’re not going to do anything about it?

Gino: i don’t have to discuss this with you.

Me: seriously?

Gino: she doesn’t need stitches, does she?

Me: no. but still…

Gino: they were just goofing around.

Me: so if i roamed the alleyways some night and you and your officer buddies are doing door checks downtown and i jump out and do the same thing to one of you…will you guys just take it as “goofing around”?

Gino: Is that a threat?

Me: No, Gino, i’m just “goofing around”.

2 thoughts on “Conversations in HotDish Hell, MN #14: Sometimes, future serial killers are just goofing around…

  1. J Holmes says:

    Hi. I’m glad that you published this. Thank You.

    There is a “novel” side to your article but there is a deeper meaning to it all. It strikes me as insane that a nation as advanced as ours is in democracy (albeit currently declining in that area) can be so lacking in anything like real police departments. There are some better departments out there but the best employees in those departments face an uphill battle against the self serving inertia that seems to infect police administrations in this nation. Many departments seem more adept at public relations than at police work. if not adept at it they are certainly at least more focused on marketing than they are on police work.

    The particular leech that you spoke to concerning your daughter’s case was right when he said that he did not have to talk to you. Most police departments answer to nobody but the corrupt political hacks that run them. A legitimate lawyer (in my estimation about 1/3 are not legitimate) might have worked wonders in this case. How sad is it that a citizen would need to engage a lawyer against his own local police department. As sad as that is the need is often real. Once a politician feels that he or she might lose a few votes then everything becomes important. When it’s just a matter of “justice” or public safety you (and the rest of us) can go to hell. Frankly, we somewhat have.

    The problem that you allude to in your article extends to the entire national crime fighting industrial complex.

    As citizens we can make a difference. Publishing this article is an example of how one person can make a positive difference. The more responsibility that we accept for our government and the better we understand that WE run government, the better that government will be.

    On a more cheerful note may you, your family and all your readers enjoy a great holiday.

    • meximo70 says:

      sadly, i worked alongside this department with the sheriff’s dept. so i’ve seen some “doozies”.
      there is a reason i’m no longer in law enforcement, and they are part of it.
      Officer “Gino Brayen” was arrested for DWI in another city recently so he’s kept a pretty low profile.
      i do love karma. unless it’s punishing me 🙂

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